4 min read

Our advisory notes. No edits.

Our advisory notes. No edits.
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

We have an advisory board helping us to grow TalentBee.

We have a meeting once a month around a chosen topic.

Today we are talking about pricing, packaging & positioning.

I always prepare materials & some questions for our advisors before our meeting to get everything out of it.

Here are the exact notes & questions I sent them for today's meeting. I hope you will learn something new from these & get an idea of how we prepare for an advisory meeting.

The notes. Without any edits.

Let’s continue the discussion around pricing & packaging (+positioning):

If everyone could add their answers to this document before the meeting on Friday it would be great!

  1. In order to create a good pricing strategy we need to understand the value our customers are getting. If you would be buying the following services what would be the value “moments” you would be getting from this (preferably something that we can measure.

Recruitment services:

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

Employer Branding services

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

2. Our ICP: SaaS companies typically on seed - B-round hiring +10persons a year. Now since the market situation is changing a lot and these companies are not hiring that much we have two options to choose from: 1) Do we want to keep our current ICP and not grow as much as planned 2) Do we want to be more open about getting customers from other companies as well and be able to grow faster?

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

3. One-off recruitment projects are challenging because we don’t know the companies that well and if the brand isn’t well-known it’s hard to make recruitments. Therefor we think that our prices should be around 50% higher for one-off project See example of how Wynter does it: “Tests cost 50% more compared to subscription.” https://wynter.com/pricing Do you agree that this makes sense?

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

4. Employer Branding. We have now 2 packages & 1 tailor-made package for employer branding. See pricing page and EB services here. Here’s the changes we are thinking and why:

  1. Our cheapest package - Increase pricing from 1490€ to 2490€. And add few things. Why: No one is buying the cheapest package. It’s not enough for growing companies and it’s still too high-pricing for early-stage companies. (our idea was to put the pricing low that early-stage companies could become customers but it’s not working)
  2. We should make sure that 1st & 2nd package has something different beside the volumes of things we do.
  3. We should create a ready-made highest package for employer branding and not do it in a way of customizing. (easier to scale + understand for customers)
  4. All Employer Branding packages should have a bonus-model for us if we succeed. Set up a main goal (maybe career page visitors / applications / reaching hiring goals?) and a bonus on top of that which is 20% of the yearly invoicing.
  5. One month free if you sign-up for a yearly deal?
  6. Should the price of the strategy be the same for all the packages or not? It’s almost the same amount of work.

The new suggested packages:

Starter 1490 → 2490€ / month.

4 social media posts on personal SoMe profiles of founders / other key people.

8 social media posts on company channels

1 paid campaign of chosen content to increase visibility

1 blog posts or employee stories on career site & blog

Growth: 3900€ → Stays at 3900€ / month

4 social media posts on personal SoMe profiles of founders / other key people.

12 social media posts to chosen channels

2 paid campaigns of chosen content to increase visibility and drive traffic to career site content

2 blog posts or employee stories on career site & blog

What else we should add here? (Volumes can’t be the only thing making this different from the started package. E.g. add reals at this stage?)

Preparing for Hyper Growth - 9500€ / month:

🚀 4 theme blog posts or employee stories on career site & blog

🚀 4 social media posts on personal SoMe profiles of founders / other key people.

🚀 16 social media posts to chosen channels

🚀 3 paid ads campaigns to increase visibility, drive traffic and generate conversion

🚀 Monthly talent newsletter (including one audience

🚀 Monthly audio-visual content 2x / month e.g. Podcast, IG-live, Webinars

🚀 Producing 10x reals from the audio-visual content? (Something like this maybe?)

Your thoughts on the EB packages & ideas above:

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

Talent Acquisition as a service including Employer Branding & recruitment

As discussed last time it’s hard to price & position this service. Here’s our thoughs on these & potential pricing for these:

  1. All packages includes: Talent insights from the market, developing recruitment processes, the chosen EB package, analyzing talent market & competition, building talent pipelines, monthly data-set. Base-fee including a recruiter & EB person: Chosen EB package & X€ base-fee + success fee for EB & recruitments.
  2. For recruitment: Base-fee: 2000€ / month always including all the above?
  3. For recruitment fee for everytime we open a role: 50% when opening & 50% when finished. -30% discount from the calculator prices for on-going partners.

Your thoughts on the above ideas:

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

Should we have some other ready-made-packages as well?

  1. Interim TA-Lead? Full-time / 50% time?
  2. Creating an Employer Brand Strategy?
  3. Creating a Talent Acquisition strategy?
  4. Culture Handbook?
  5. Mentoring / sparring about EB/recruitment with monthly model?
  6. Employer Branding audit?  / EB Brand research?

If you were a buyer put the above things from 1-6 in order of which you find the most interesting one to you (+if you come up with some other ideas as well what might be interesting packages):

Niilo’s answer:

Aleksi’s answer:

Karim’s answer:

Other stuff / ideas:

  1. Should we change TA as a service to: “Building Talent Pipelines” and start talk about that topic more and Employer branding - Now we still position ourselves as a recruitment agency. We should be more different.
  2. Who the different packages are for - Build more towards the outcome they want with value moments.
  3. Selling add-ons = Could we offer a guarantee that the person will stay for +6month / +12 months for X € of money?
  4. What could be our free-trial. What would bring the most value to you e.g. template for interview or EB ideas or strategy template etc?